Thursday, February 18, 2010

Second Thoughts...

Today, I am going to share a piece of writing which I wrote last year. The place where I was inspired to write these words was in my bedroom in Manhattan, KS. It was a Friday night (please hold all jokes about my social life), and Saturdays I was involved in a writing group called Ink. We wrote, we read, and we workshopped our pieces. It was Saturday morning bliss. Side note: God is sweet, as some students at Fuller are beginning the same type of writing/art sharing group (meeting Saturday mornings 10:30AM Zona Rosa).

This piece doesn't have a title, sorry.

Sing great muse
speak of a time both ancient and future
A time when harmony rang loud
with every movement, every word,
thought and sense

Take me back and lead me toward a time
when purity enveloped
every part of creation.

What would I give to taste
the sweet fruit that quenches
the driest thirst held in my depths?

What could I do to touch the 
lips of the one who speaks
good into existence?

You have ravaged my being and I
will never get it back.
Only keep it, guard it, grow it,
break and heal it that the scars 
from the wounds would turn smooth surface
to rough beauty.

An artwork unlike any other. 

that's all

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