Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blog Title thoughts

I have avoided beginning a blog for quite sometime. One reason for this the reader will understand from my very first blog (the whole sharing one's own story, life, heart, etc.). A second reason for this is that I am simply absent-minded. I start one thing, move to another, and forget to finish what I actually began in the first place. 

I forget how old I am. I honestly have to think about it for a few moments. I think I stopped keeping track after I hit 21. There are not really anymore monumental ages until the big five-oh, right? I also forget that I am tired and exhausted when I begin great conversations, or have the opportunity to dance. The point of these few tid-bits about me is to say that I forget I have this thing. I forget that I have a blog...I am now a blogger...until my creativity sparks. I begin thinking of experiences I have in "blog-title" format. I was telling a couple friends this the other day.

The truth is, I may have been a natural-born blogger. I truly do think back on my experiences in blog-titles: witty one-liners which capture the attention of the reader before they even begin the journey. For example, I wrote this blog while I was in South Africa in the summer of 2009.

When the Smell of Rotting Kelp Becomes Endearing (see what I mean...It's kinda catchy)

On a warm night with the waves swelling maybe 3 feet high.
Even 50 yards from it you can still feel the moist air the waves' mist brings
The smell of salt is stale
The memory of only a few days ago and the whales, having no chance, beached themselves.
Lights glitter across the cove showing signs of life from the village just a few miles away
Low clouds tingle the taste buds of the mountains, dancing across the rough surface.
No laughing, crying, or delightful screams.
Just the slap of waves incessantly beating and churning sand.
Calm serenity takes over the days' woes and victories.
Surrender or grip the tension within

that's all

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